Sheila Finnigan
Artist Statment:
Sheila received her BFA from California College of the Arts (San Francisco), and her
MA and MFA from Northern Illinois University. She studies with the painter
Enrique Martinez Celaya.
Represented in by Josef Glimer Gallery in Chicago, her paintings are in the homes
of a number of prominent Chicago collectors. She has been featured in many
important juried shows.
The New York Times art critic, William Zimmer, describes her work as "immediately
Ed McCormack said in his New York publication "Gallery and Studio", "The good news
is that real artistry survives...and Sheila Finnigan is around not only to exemplify it but
to tell the tale."
In this exhibit Sheila explores narrative in art. Influenced by the paintings of Giotto,
she weaves through these works a post-modern story with droll intention. Unlike early painting, where story dictated art, her work reverses that convention.
Like other post-modern artists, Sheila's work explores the language of art differentiates by
by infusing devices which serve to create an emotional connection with the viewer ---
aligning its purpose with early painting.

Sheila with Ed Paschke, well-known Chicago artist, in Paris
Artist Resume:
Degrees: BFA, California College of the Arts, San Francisco
MA, MFA Northern Illinois University, DeKalb
Recent Studies: With Ed Paschke

Sheila with Donald Kuspit, well-known art critic, poet and
Professor at SUNY Purchase
Comment in NEW YORK TIMES review by William Zimmer: "Sheila Finnigan’s work is “immediately appealing.”
Comment in GALLERY & STUDIO by Ed McCormack: “The good news is that real painting survived...and that Sheila Finnigan is around not only to exemplify it but to tell the tale.”
Important Honor Awards:
New Jersey Center for Visual Arts, “International Juried Show”
Woodstock, Illinois, “International Women’s Works Exhibition”: Best in Show
Hunter Museum
Westmoreland (College) Art Nationals, Pennsylvania

Sheila with well-known artist Enrique Martinez Celaya
in New York at her 2015 show
GALLERY & STUDIO, Eye Level Arts, New York: New York Solo Show, “One-Stop POP!”
reviewed by Ed McCormack
NEW YORK TIMES: “International Juried Show”
reviewed by William Zimmer
NEWARK (New Jersey) STAR-LEDGER: “International Juried Show”
reviewed by Dan Bischoff
PIONEER (Chicago) PRESS: Review/Feature by Ellen Pritsker
FLINT (Michigan) NEWS: “Two-Person Show”
reviewed by Jan Worth
CITY BEAT (Cincinnati): “Six-Person Show”
reviewed by Jane Durrell
EL UNIVERSAL CULTURAL, Mexico City, Mexico : “Chicago Group Show”
NEW ART EXAMINER, Chicago: “Solo Show” at ARC Gallery
reviewed by Valerie Burke
PIONEER PRESS (Chicago): “Solo Show” at Countryside Art Center, Arlington Hts., Illinois,
reviewed by Michael Bonesteel
CHICAGO TRIBUNE: “The Good Painting Show”
reviewed by Alan Artner
THE NEWARK NEWS (Ohio): “Two-Person Show”
CHICAGO TRIBUNE, Sunday Magazine: “Solo Show” at ARC Gallery
WGN-TV, “Heart of Chicago,”Work shown on WGN-TV
THE CHICAGO ART SCENE, Ivy Sundell, ed., Chicago
(Two-page feature)
NEW AMERICAN PAINTINGS, Open Studios Press, Wellesley, Mass.
Juror: James Rondeau, Curator, The Art Institute of Chicago (Four-page feature)
(Full page color photo of artist’s work)
NEW AMERICAN PAINTINGS, Open Studios Press, Wellesley, Mass.
Juror: Beth Venn, Curator, Whitney Museum of Art (Three-page feature)
CHICAGO ART REVIEW, American References, Chicago
Pleiades Gallery, New York (Chelsea): Solo Show, “Iconomics”
ARC Gallery, Chicago: Solo Show, "Yankee Doodles,"
Pleiades Gallery, New York (Chelsea): Solo Show, “One-Stop POP!”
ARC Gallery, Chicago: “Solo Show”
Goodman Theater, Chicago: “Solo Show” (in conjunction with the Chicago Film Critics Awards)
Northern Illinois University: “Solo Show”
University of Illinois, Chicago: “Solo Show”, (Companion show with work of Charlotte Salomon (1917-1943)
Buckham Gallery, Flint Michigan: “Two-Person Show”
ARC Gallery, Chicago: “Solo Show”
Noyes Art Center, Evanston, IL: “Solo Show”
Ohio State University, Newark Art Gallery: “Two-Person Show”, Juror: Dr Kathleen Kadon Desmond
Countryside Art Center, Arlington Hts., IL: “Solo Show”
ARC Gallery, Chicago: “Solo Show” (Photographed)
New Jersey Center for Visual Arts: “International Juried Show”
Juror: Donald Kuspit, Art Critic and Professor at SUNY Stonybrook
+1400 submissions, 35 accepted
Panel Discussion: “The State of the Arts”
Participants: Donald Kuspit, Joseph Jacobs, Curator of American Art, The Newark Museum of Art, and Dominiq Nahas,
New York Art Critic and Curator (Honor Award, Two Reviews)
Woodstock, IL, “International Women’s Works Juried Exhibit” (Best in Show)
Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Juror: Donald Kuspit
Lecture on the Show by Donald Kuspit (Honor Award)
+1500 submissions, 32 accepted
Woodstock, IL, “International Women’s Works Juried Exhibit” (Honor Award)
The National Halpert Biennial, Appalachian State University, Boone,
North Carolina: Juried into Three Biennials
Juror: Terry Sultan, Curator, Corcoran Gallery of Art
The Fremont Museum of Art Juried Show (Illinois)
International Gallery Invitational, Chicago
Mars Gallery Invitational, Chicago, Illinois: "The Psychedelic Revolution Art Happening,"
Peter Jones Gallery, Chicago, Illinois: "Nude Now Show,"
Smithtown Arts Council, St James, New York: 29th National Juried Fine Arts Exhibition
Juror: Donald Kuspit
Lynnarts/Time Warner Gallery, Lynn, Massachusetts: “Wavelength”
Juror: Ingrid Swanson
Lynnarts/Time Warner Gallery, Lynn, Massachusetts: “Blood of the Lamb”
Juror: Fred Schaeffer, Author/Film Director
Limner Gallery, New York, “Emerging Artists: Spring Salon”
Smithtown Arts Council, St James New York: 28th National Juried Fine Arts Exhibition
Juror: Carrie Springer, Senior Curatorial Assistant, Whitney Museum of Art
Sioux City Art Center (Iowa): “58th National Juried Exhibition”
Beacon Street Gallery, Chicago
Traveling Exhibit To: St. Louis, Missouri; South Bend, Indiana; Omaha, Nebraska; Sioux City, Iowa
Chicago Arts Club: Biennial “Group Show”
NIU Gallery, Chicago: “Seven-Person Show”
Oakton College (Illinois): “Group Show”, Talk)
Belloc-Lowndes Gallery, Chicago: “The Chicago Art Scene”
Westmoreland College, Pennsylvania: Westmoreland Art Nationals (Honor Award)
Juror: Lowell Tolstedt, Dean, Columbus College of Art and Design
National Arts Heritage Exhibit, LaTrobe, Pennsylvania
Juror: William Woodward, Senior Professor of Art, George Washington University, Washington DC (Honor Award)
John G. Blank Center for the Arts, Michigan City, Indiana: “13th National Juried Exhibit,"
Juror: Tony Jones - President, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Memphis College of Art (Tennessee): “National Juried Show”
Art Academy of Cincinnati: “National Juried Four-Person Show," (Reviewed)
“Midwest Twelve-State Regional Juried Show,"
Juror: Ann Sass, Curator, Whitney Museum of Art
Artemesia Gallery, Chicago: “Eight-State Regional Show,”
Aurora University (Illinois): “Six-Person Show,”
The State of Illinois Art Gallery, Chicago: “Good Painting Show” (Eight-Person Show), (Reviewed)
Muse Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: “Group Show,”
ABC No Rio, New York: “Group Show,”
Women’s Club of Evanston: “Vicinity Show,”
Jurors: Michael Bonesteel - Art Critic, “Pioneer Press,” James Yood - Art Critic, and Professor, Northwestern University (Honor Award)
Galerie Tonalli, Mexico City, Mexico: “Group Show,”
Esther Saks Gallery, Chicago: “Invitational Six-Person Show”